Monday, November 14, 2011

Leopard Ctenopoma (Ctenopoma acutirostre). Family: Anabantidae

The native land Leopard Ctenopoma is the Central and the Western Africa. Live in a river basin of Congo, in places grassed.

At Leopard Ctenopoma (Ctenopoma acutirostre) high, flattened on each side a body. The mouth will extend. On a head huge eyes are located. Possesses camouflage colouring: on a yellowy-brown background on all body and fins the dark stains hiding contours of fish are scattered. On a tail stalk there is a vertical light strip, and the dark tail conceals its true sizes. At the basis of a tail fin one is located глазчатое a stain. There are the individuals having so dark окрас that stains become invisible on this background. At adult males - some scales with jags along the edges. Unpaired fins with a dark fringing. At females fins with small numerous stains. At length Leopard Ctenopoma can reach 15-20 Life expectancy till 6 years see.

Leopard Ctenopoma night and a bit timid small fish. Character quiet, likes to float measuredly in thickets of plants and near snags. Thanks to the form of a body and colouring well masks under various water objects and becomes invisible to potential extraction. Any small fish is pursued to it until it will appear in its mouth. For the joint maintenance fishes of the big size are recommended. Leopard Ctenopoma territorial small fish, in 100 l an aquarium 2-3 individuals hardly get on. If nevertheless you have decided to get group of fishes it is desirable to occupy in an aquarium of all simultaneously. Otherwise, at addition of new fishes later, in an aquarium war of extermination of beginners will begin and, most likely, young small fishes will be lost. Keeps Leopard Ctenopoma (Ctenopoma acutirostre) in bottom and the water middle class.

Leopard Ctenopoma (Ctenopoma acutirostre)
The spacious aquarium is necessary for the maintenance ctenopoma (approximately from 100 sm) closed by a cover (between a cover and a water surface to leave not less than 2,5 sm) for the leopard. Illumination is desirable muffled. A ground - a small pebble. In an aquarium there should be many various shelters (a cave from stones, a snag, ceramic pots etc.), thickets of plants (including floating) and an empty seat for swimming. Parametres of water for the correct maintenance Leopard Ctenopoma: rigidity 4-10 °, рН 6.0-7.2, temperature 23 - 28°С. The filtration, aeration and weekly substitution to 20 % of volume of water are necessary. Some individuals are very sensitive to widespread diseases, therefore for immunity strengthening in water add a peat extract.

Leopard Ctenopoma is omnivorous, but the preference gives to the live (frozen) forage: to the small small fish, worms, larvae.

About cultivation Leopard Ctenopoma that they do not protect posterity is known very little, only, and caviar scatter on all aquarium.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Ctenopoma Anzorge, Ctenopoma Ansorgii (Microctenopoma ansorgii, Ctenopoma ansorgii).

Ctenopoma Anzorge, Ctenopoma Ansorgii (Microctenopoma ansorgii, Ctenopoma ansorgii)
The native land Ctenopoma Ansorgii the Central and the Western Africa. It lives at coast of slowly current rivers and streams under protection of plants and between roots of trees, preferring to keep near to a bottom.

At Ctenopoma Ansorgii extended at length and is a little flattened from sides a body, with direct profiles of a back and a belly. Back and anal fins long. The basic background of a body zheltovato-brown with green, blue or violet outflow, the bottom part of a body often yellowish. On each side pass 6-7 cross-section strips of the red-brown colour passing to back and anal fins. Sexual differences: at the male Ctenopoma Ansorgii last beams of back and anal fins extended white colour. At length the male grows to 8 sm, the female to 7 see.

Ctenopoma Ansorgii a peaceful small fish. To contain it is better with similar on the size and temperament neighbours. Breathes atmospheric air by means of a branchiate labyrinth. Therefore the aquarium should be densely closed from above that over a water surface there was warm air, and the small fish has not caught a cold. Keeps Ctenopoma Ansorgii on the average and bottom sheets of water.

Ctenopoma Ansorgii can be contained both in specific, and in the general aquarium in length from 60 sm with thickets sclerophyllous plants (in т. ч. And floating plants with roots hanging down downwards) and various shelters (grottoes from stones, snags, clay pots). Illumination disseminated, a dark ground. Water parametres optimum for the maintenance Ctenopoma Ansorgii: rigidity 2-15 °, рН 6.0-7.5, temperature 21-25 °С. The filtration, aeration and weekly substitution to 30 % of volume of water is necessary.

Ctenopoma Ansorgii uses in food a live forage (prefer mosquito larvae), substitutes.

Spawning Ctenopoma should pass Anzorga in a separate aquarium in length from 50 see In spawning various shelters, thickets of plants with the extended stalk, and also floating on a surface big leaf plants are necessary
. Water parametres optimum for cultivation: rigidity to 6 °, рН 6.0-6.5, temperature 23-26 °С. The filtration (is better the peat filter approaches) is desirable. The male builds a nest of foam under sheet of a floating plant. Spawning can pass both under it, and at a bottom. The female Ctenopoma throws Ansorgii to 600 transparent berries containing fat which rise to a water surface and keep within the male a nest. After spawning a female removed from spawning, and the male it is necessary to look after caviar. Also it is possible to transfer caviar or hatched larvae to an incubator with weak illumination, aeration by small vials and a small sheet of water. The incubatory period lasts about 24-48 hours, and in 3 days noun start to float and eat. At this moment of the male too delete. A starting forage: rotifers. At the age of 1 month fry Ctenopoma Ansorgii get bright colouring.

Sexual maturity Ctenopoma Ansorgii reaches at the age of 1,5-2 years.

Ctenopoma fasciolatum, Microctenopoma fasciolatum. Family: Anabantidae

The native land Ctenopoma fasciolatum the Central and the Western Africa. The small fish in the superficial places which have grown with plants keeps, preferring reservoirs with transparent and pure water.

At Ctenopoma fasciolatum high, extended and the body a bit compressed on each side. A head large with a sharp snout. Back and anal fins long. Colouring of a small fish depends on a place of its origin and can be blue or brown colour from 8-12 dark cross-section strips on each side. At the male back and anal fins on the end are is threadlike extended. Unpaired fins with numerous is bluish-brown specks. The female is painted more faintly the male. In spawning becomes brown with the white strip which is passing from a branchiate cover and to the basis of a tail fin. At length the male Ctenopoma fasciolatum grows to 8,5 sm, the female to 7 see.

Ctenopoma fasciolatum an unpretentious and peaceful small fish. Forms a patriarchal family. To contain it is better with similar on the size and temperament neighbours. Breathes atmospheric air by means of a branchiate labyrinth so, the aquarium should be densely closed from above that over a water surface always there was warm air, and she has not caught a cold. Keeps Ctenopoma fasciolatum on the average and bottom sheets of water.

To contain Ctenopoma fasciolatum it is possible in a specific or general aquarium in length from 60 sm with thickets sclerophyllous plants ( And floating plants with roots hanging down downwards) and various shelters (grottoes from stones, snags, clay pots). Water parametres optimum for the maintenance: rigidity 3-10 °, рН 6.0-7.0, temperature 24-28 °С. The filtration, aeration and weekly substitution to 30 % of volume of water is necessary.

Ctenopoma fasciolatum uses in food a live forage, substitutes.

For cultivation Ctenopoma fasciolatum it is necessary spawning in the length from 50 see In an aquarium there should be shelters
, thickets of plants with the extended stalk and plants floating on a surface with large leaves. Water parametres optimum for cultivation: rigidity 2-4 °, рН 6.5-6.8, temperature 25-28 °С. The filtration (is better the peat filter approaches) is desirable. The male builds a nest of foam under sheet of a floating plant. The female Ctenopoma fasciolatum throws to 1000 berries. After spawning a female removed from spawning, and the male it is necessary to look after caviar. The incubatory period lasts about 24-36 hours, and in 4-5 days fry start to float and eat. During this moment of the male too delete. A starting forage: rotifers.

Ctenopoma fasciolatum, Microctenopoma fasciolatum. Family: Anabantidae
Sexual maturity Ctenopoma fasciolatum reaches at the age of 1,5-2 years.

Anabas Testudineus

Anabas Testudineus
Anabas lives in lakes, oozy ponds, ditches, on rice fields, and also in saltish reservoirs of South East Asia: in India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and on an island Sri Lanka. Fish-polzun is object of a local craft and cultivation.

On the constitution Anabas reminds cichlids. At it the body extended at length, a profile of a back and a belly almost direct, a head and a final mouth the big. On edge of a branchiate cover numerous thorns are scattered. Chest and anal fins powerful, are well developed. With their help of fish can move overland (from here and the name fish-polzun). The basic color trunks from grey-brown to grey-green, also meet orange copies. On each side are located 8-10 cross-section strips most brightly painted during time of spawning. The back is more dark, a paunch yellowish. Fins orange or reddish. Sexual differences: the male is more brightly painted, at a female a paunch fuller. In the nature Anabas reaches at length of 25 sm, in an aquarium grows to 16 see.

The basic feature of
Anabas that in search of meal or new reservoirs, this small fish can creep by the ground gets over through stones and other obstacles, and also get on trees. Thanking наджаберному to body to a labyrinth (to the employee for breath by atmospheric air), can remain till 8 o'clock without water. Moves Anabas not only by means of fins, but also by means of branchiate covers (keen edges allow to cling reliably to a ground), thus pushing itself strong pushes of a tail. They travel at night. Anabas with length of a body from 10 to 25 sm for 1 hour can creep to 100 m, and be out of water (under condition of high humidity of air) some days can. When the reservoir dries up and to find another it is not possible, fish-polzun, being shaken, buries in damp silt and for some time (till 48 o'clock) it rescues it from drying and  destruction. And mass resettlements Anabas from drying up reservoirs in the new are carried out.

Anabas predatory, timid and pugnacious enough small fish. Activity shows during evening and night time. Fish-polzuna is necessary for containing in a specific aquarium from 100 litres with well attached integumentary glass which is at height not less 10 sm over a water surface (differently fish, jumping out behind air, can hit about it). In an aquarium place thickets of plants, various shelters (stones, snags), and also leave an empty seat for swimming (and for spawning). Illumination disseminated. To begin the maintenance it is necessary from group of young fishes since adults get on difficultly. At their catching it is necessary to use either glass, or a plastic vessel as for a net of fish can be hooked by thorns. Parametres of water for the correct maintenance Anabas: rigidity to 20 °, рН 6.8-8.0, temperature 20 - 30°С. The filtration and weekly substitution to 20 % of volume of water is necessary.

Anabas uses in food live (for example, small fish, slices of crude beef) and a vegetative forage, and also substitutes. Are very gluttonous. In the nature eat a small small fish, earthworms and others invertebrates.

Spawning Anabas can pass not only in a specific aquarium, but also separate spawning from 200 litres with a water level 30 Parameters of water for cultivation Anabas see: rigidity to 10 °, рН 6.5-7.5, temperature 26 - 30°С. Frequent change of water is necessary. Spawning passes at a ground or in the water middle class. The female throws to 5000 transparent berries which rise to a water surface and there float. Manufacturers and fry do not touch caviar, but nevertheless it is better to transfer after spawning it in pond an aquarium. The incubatory period at temperature 24 °С lasts about one days. In 2 days fry start to float and eat. A starting forage: a live dust, it is preferable rotifers.

Sexual maturity Anabas reaches at the age of 1,5 years.